Draft Plan:MK Consultation 2017

Public consultation on Draft Plan:MK (MK Council’s strategy for meeting the borough’s needs until 2031) ended on Friday, 9 June 2017.  Click here to see Moulsoe Parish Council’s response on behalf of the residents of Moulsoe.


Plan:MK Draft Plan
Public Consultation 17 March to 9 June 2017

Plan:MK is the development strategy for Milton Keynes outlining how the borough will grow over the next few years. It is MK Council’s new Local Plan for the homes, jobs and infrastructure that will be needed in the borough for the period until 2031. MK Council expects the population in the borough to increase to over 300,000 by 2031, so they need to start managing this growth now.

Plan:MK has been developed using the ideas, comments and feedback from residents and key groups in MK responding to the previous stages of the consultation and independent evidence assessments and the Draft Plan covers how and where future development sites will be.

26,500 new homes will be provided over the next 15 years – most already have planning permission with further homes earmarked for development on brownfield sites and sustainable urban extensions to the east and south of MK.

Click here for the summary Draft Plan:MK document

Click here to navigate to the full Draft Plan:MK Consultation document.

Click here for the full map illustrating the proposed allocated areas throughout the borough.


Land is identified east of the M1 for housing and jobs after 2031. This may come forward earlier once decisions on the new Oxford-Cambridge Expressway are made or should MKC be struggling to provide enough housing elsewhere in the Borough.

Map illustrating the impact on the area around Moulsoe


The closing date for comments is 12 noon on Friday, 9 June 2017. Make sure you submit your views to MK Council before this date to make your views known.  You may use all or part of this template to help you prepare your own response if you wish.

You can submit your response using the following methods:

Online via the consultation portal http://miltonkeynes.objective.co.uk/portal/planmk

Email PlanMK@milton-keynes.gov.uk

Write to
Milton Keynes Council
Development Plans
Civic Offices
1 Saxon Gate East
Central Milton Keynes

 You may use the Plan:MK Draft Plan Consultation 2017 Response Form, if you wish.

As before, Moulsoe Parish Council will submit a response on behalf of the parish council, but it is important that you also send your own views in.


To find out more visit https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/plan-mk.

For MK Council’s consultation events and drop-in sessions, visit https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/draft-plan-mk-consultation-events-march-june-2017

Last updated 14 June 2017.

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